Field Director

Betsy Teubl

Betsy grew up in the beautiful Pacific Northwest and lives in Washington, DC with her husband, two kids, and golden doodle.


She attended TeenPact as a One Day student back in 2003. When her Washington State Class was about to close, Betsy rallied friends and helped revitalize the state toward a thriving alumni community and opening a second class. She went on to Travel Staff, State Coordinate, intern at the national office, and help found the Alumni Network. She will bring this same passion and enthusiasm to her state class field director role to the Northeast!

Betsy spent her 20s in bi-vocational ministry, running a discipleship house and dabbling in coaching, consulting, counseling, and church planting. She now embraces slow living, dwelling in the land, and befriending faithfulness. She is thrilled to return to TeenPact and invest back into a program that changed her life, strengthened her faith, and equipped her as a leader.


Betsy loves anything people and living within a mile of her home on Capitol Hill. You’ll find her biking with her kids, hosting movie nights with neighbors, or volunteering at her kids’ Chinese immersion school. Betsy holds a B.A. in Journalism from Patrick Henry College and an M.A. in Counseling from Liberty University.

Office Staff