Coming from a town that has been ranked the number one place to live in America by both Time and Money Magazines, Franklin is proud to call fast-growing Apex, North Carolina home. With a talented passion for many things, Franklin spends a lot of time listening to political commentary, practicing piano, or playing sports with his friends. He is planning on using his passion for politics and over 13 years of piano experience by pursuing a degree in political science and piano performance along the way to becoming an attorney someday.
Franklin was forced to go to his first One Day Class when he was eight. While he didn’t want to go, it didn’t take long for TeenPact to win him over. Franklin now loves the way that TeenPact has incorporated his passion for discipline, discipleship, and politics all in one. Franklin is excited to share his experiences with other Students and Staffers this season and is looking forward to having a ton of fun along the way. While he might be found teaching piano lessons or enjoying Taco Bell, Franklin is excited to hit the ground running for the 2021 State Class Season.