GG Erickson

GG is from Columbus, Mississippi, where she has lived her whole life. The community is what she loves the most about home. GG is the third child out of six, and some of her fondest memories are from the summers spent playing in the backyard and exploring the woods with her siblings.


When she is not working at a local coffee shop, GG loves to play piano and guitar, write music, and spend time with friends. Additionally, she loves to travel. Colorado is one of her favorite destinations, where she goes hiking in the mountains with her family.


GG attended her first TeenPact event at the age of twelve. During her time in the ministry, she was encouraged and pushed to step out of her comfort zone and grow in her faith. The Lord has used TeenPact to impact her in numerous ways, and GG is so excited for the opportunity to help others grow and further the kingdom.