Vice President of Operations

Quinton Cools

Quinton Cools grew up in the Pacific Northwest, and like any true Oregonian, he can identify the perfect cup of coffee. Quinton is captivated by the glory of God revealed in the Word of Christ and is passionate about helping others integrate a biblical worldview in everyday life. Quinton loves to see people express their unity to the body of Christ by joining and fully participating in the life of a healthy local church. After moving to Richmond, Virginia to work for TeenPact, Quinton met the love of his dreams and married Kelsey. Together, they share a deep love of coffee, their young children, and of course, Taco Tuesday. Quinton is an ordained elder/pastor at KingsWay Community Church and holds a B.S. in Business Administration from Thomas Edison State University and an M.A. in Biblical and Theological Studies from Western Seminary. You can listen to Quin on the TeenPact Podcast by visiting!