Ministry Updates

The CEO Search Committee Update

October 10, 2022
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Dear TeenPact Nation:

Greetings – my name is John Seldenrust, and I am the current chairman for the TeenPact board of directors. My wife, Rita, and I have been blessed that all four of our children had an opportunity to participate in TeenPact over the years.

Since Peter has announced his retirement plans, I wanted to take an opportunity, on behalf of the board, to express our profound thanksgiving for Peter and his leadership of TeenPact over the past twelve years (and the coming two years as well). On a personal level, having worked as a board member with Peter for many years, I have learned much about serving God and demonstrating servant leadership from Peter. The thousands of families touched and influenced in some way by the ministry of TeenPact are also a testament to Peter’s enduring leadership and legacy!

We are also thankful to Peter for his foresight and consideration of the ministry in setting a long horizon of transition for his retirement. Please know the board will be diligent in its effort to find TeenPact’s next CEO who will continue to lead the ministry of TeenPact in fulfillment of its Vision and Mission Statement.  Accordingly, a search committee has been formed that consists of Beth Gebert, Patricia Sullivan, Rowland Cocks, and myself. We would ask that you be in prayer for the search committee and the ministry of TeenPact and that God would continue to bless TeenPact. To that end, we’ve included a call to prayer and fasting later in this email for your consideration.

Please know that we plan to celebrate Peter and Lydia as an expression of our collective thanksgiving and appreciation! But we have plenty of time to make plans and the appropriate time to do so is still well in the future.

In the meantime, the search committee is weighing the merits of engaging a professional search firm that specializes in Christian / non-profit executive searches. However, we thought we would initially issue a call for candidates from within the TeenPact Nation. Thus, if you personally would like to be considered for the position or you know of someone that the search committee should consider as a candidate, we have established an email address for the submittal of resumes – If you would like to know more information about the position itself, a job specification is available and may also be requested from the email address. We have set a deadline of Tuesday, November 1, 2022, for the receipt of preliminary resumes.

If you have any questions related to Peter’s retirement or our search effort, please do not hesitate to reach to one of us (Contact info provided below).

In Christ,

John Seldenrust

TeenPact Search Committee Members:
Rowland Cocks;; (404)895-9563
Beth Gebert;; (614)805-1881
Patricia Sullivan;; (321)277-5376
John Seldenrust;; (405)990-0016


Call to Prayer and Fasting:

In light of the task ahead, the Search Committee is asking you join us in prayer and fasting (full or partial fast as God leads) while we seek a new TeenPact CEO. We have created three opportunities for your collective participation. The dates and times are as follows:

Over the past several weeks, in preparation for sharing the news of Peter’s retirement, the TeenPact Board has had the opportunity to pray and fast. It is not only a great practice in denying the flesh but in leaning into the clarity that comes from a fasted state.Here are a few items you can pray over:

Thanks very much for your consideration and commitment to TeenPact.In Christ,
TeenPact Search Committee