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Dear TeenPact friends,
After prayerful consideration, and in conjunction with my wife Lydia, it is with mixed emotions that I announce my retirement as President/CEO of TeenPact Leadership Schools, effective July 2024. I have discussed this plan with the TeenPact Board of Directors, and they fully support our decision.
My family attended the inaugural Connecticut state class in 2004 and were greatly impacted by the staff team and the program. The next year we hosted the staff team, and became increasingly involved in the ministry as a host home, as Alumni Event participants, and as staff members; I became a Board Member, a Class Director, and more. In May 2010, I accepted the call to become the President/CEO of TeenPact, and our entire family moved to Richmond – fully committed to the vision and mission.
Over the last twelve years, I have overseen the growth of TeenPact from 35 to 50 states, now serving over 6000 students annually. God’s hand has been on this ministry since Tim Echols founded TeenPact in 1994, through many challenges, including COVID, and His hand will continue to be guiding TeenPact in the future. Whether expanding the State Classes or Alumni Events, we continue to be grateful for and trust in God’s faithfulness. And we trust that He is guiding us to the next CEO as well. To that end, please be looking for an email from the TeenPact board later today.
In addition to thanking God, I want to thank thousands of people who have served alongside me during this time – the Board of Directors, TeenPact employees, State Coordinators, Class Directors, Program Directors and Interns, Staffers, Students, parents, and many, many more. Most of all, I am thankful for my wife and family, who have sacrificed so much to allow me to live this dream of leading TeenPact. Lydia and I are looking forward to spending more time with our family – including our eight grandchildren!

Peter Martin
President and CEO