Back to DC

Seven Reasons Not to Miss Back to D.C.

Quinton Cools July 20, 2015
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TeenPact began offering State Classes in Georgia in 1994.


Founder Tim Echols and a supportive group of volunteers helped to expand to other states in the South, and within five years TeenPact had started classes in fourteen states including New Mexico, Colorado, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Hawaii.




Alumni Events were then created to bring these like-minded teens together from around the country for worship, discipleship, and training. At the very first of these new events, students were taken to Washington, D.C. When they decided to return again, the name Back to DC stuck. More than fifteen years later, we still offer a Back to DC program, with phenomenal opportunities available to you!


Here are just 7 reasons why I think you should join us this September:


1. Worship in our Nation’s Capitol

Worship in the morning. Worship at night. Worship in the class room. Worship on the rooftop. Even worship at the Lincoln Memorial after a sunset tour of the national monuments. It’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.



2. Discipleship with TeenPact Staff

This year’s Back to DC staff team will be comprised of upcoming 2016 TeenPact Interns. We create a great opportunity for you to interact with the leaders of next year’s classes. They are each eager to build friendships that will encourage and challenge you as you follow Jesus and love people.



3. Training at the Leadership Institute

If you’re looking for the best political and campaign training in the nation’s capital, look no further than the teachers found at the conservative Leadership Institute. Classes are offered for public speaking, effective writing, debate preparation, and much more.



4. Hearing From Our Country’s Leaders

We will attend the 2015 Values Voter Summit, presented by Family Research Council. Speakers we might hear that day will include: Sen. Marco Rubio (FL), Gov. Scott Walker (WI), Sen. Ted Cruz (TX), Sen. Rand Paul (KY), and many more.



5. Ultimate Frisbee on the National Mall

That’s right. TeenPacters. Ultimate Frisbee. On the National Mall (fields in the middle of the city, between the monuments, Capitol Building, and White House). Memories. Made.



6. Campaign Teams for SB President

The Leadership Institute offers a program called the Race to the White House, where their training sessions are actually intended to prepare you for a campaign for Student Body President. A debate between the presidential candidates caps off a riveting campaign experience.



7. Life in Washington, D.C.

Possibly the most unique opportunity of them all is simply living in our nation’s capitol for a week. Every morning, you get to wake up, get ready for the day, and take the Metro into the city for the day’s activities. Every night, it’s a Metro back, in preparation for another day. It’s unbelievable.



“Back to DC is an incredible experience where I was challenged, grown spiritually, humbled, and pushed outside my comfort zone to do radical things for Christ in a spiritually dark country that so desperately needs His light.”



About the Author

Quinton Cools

Quinton Cools grew up in the Pacific Northwest, and like any true Oregonian, he can identify the perfect cup of coffee. Quinton’s love for… Read More