The Tim Echols Political Involvement Award


“One person can make a world of difference.”


Two of our key initiatives in supporting TeenPact’s vision of changing lives to change the world are discipleship and political understanding/involvement.


Several years ago, we implemented the Jimmy Brazell Community Impact Scholarship Award essay contest, which focuses on the discipleship aspect of sharing the love of Jesus Christ in our communities. Since its introduction, we have received over 200 essays from students making an impact in their communities, highlighting the top essays at National Convention.


In honor of our 25th anniversary, the TeenPact Board of Directors introduced a new scholarship recognizing the political involvement component of our ministry. The Tim Echols Political Involvement Award will be awarded to three recipients who have displayed an exemplary application of the skills learned through TeenPact as they’ve been involved politically in their communities – either locally or across the country. Three deserving recipients will be announced at National Convention 2024 and will receive a scholarship to the Alumni event of their choosing in 2024.




Who is Tim Echols?

Tim Echols and and his wife, Windy, proudly call the bustling metropolitan area of Atlanta, Georgia, home. It was here that they raised their seven children. Tim currently serves as a Public Service Commissioner for the State of Georgia. With boundless energy and passion, Tim has worked tirelessly in the pro-life movement with Care Net, the Justice Foundation, and Georgia Right to Life.


Tim founded TeenPact with a vision to help Christian families build within their kids practical knowledge about leadership, politics, and citizenship. Some of his favorite memories were made during the early days of TeenPact as he and Windy watched God open doors to move TeenPact from new state to new state and provide a network of families committed to keep the ministry growing.


You can read more of Tim’s story on our blog



Essay Guidelines


“Describe a situation where you have been involved in a political campaign, either on a local or national basis.” After participating in a TeenPact State Class we are encouraged to be involved in the political. Please tell about a specific time when you engaged the culture through your involvement.




500-1000 words




Please see updated rules posted on February 15th.




Scholarships will be awarded to the top three essays. Each winner will receive a full tuition scholarship to be used towards a 2025 Alumni Event of their choice.




Winners will be selected by a panel of judges and notified prior to receiving their award.