
Aryn Rozier: From Student to Director

September 12, 2024
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From Quiet Student to Director of Events:
Aryn Young Rozier’s TeenPact Journey and Impact 

In the vibrant world of TeenPact, where young leaders are nurtured and empowered, Aryn Young Rozier’s story is a robust example of growth, dedication, and impactful service. What began as a quiet start in 2009 as a student in the One Day Class blossomed into a remarkable journey, leading her to become a key leader within the organization.


A Quiet Start


Aryn’s TeenPact adventure started in 2007 when she first joined as a student. She had no idea that this initial step would lay the groundwork for a deeply fulfilling early career. Over the years, she soaked up the lessons, values, and experiences that TeenPact offers to so many young minds.


Stepping into Leadership


In 2017, after serving as a Traveling Intern, Aryn transitioned from being a participant to taking on the role of Registration Manager in the Richmond headquarters. This position marked the beginning of her formal involvement in TeenPact’s operations. Aryn managed student registrations and streamlined processes, building on a foundation of excellence, while introducing greater efficiency and professionalism. 



A Pivotal Role


Aryn’s fresh perspective, dedication, and hard work didn’t go unnoticed, leading to her promotion to Director of Events in 2019. This role came with new challenges and responsibilities, including leading a team of eventually over ten members. Under her leadership, Aryn spearheaded several transformative initiatives: she implemented new registration systems to streamline operations, enhanced guidance and resources for State Coordinators, modernized digital resources to create a more effective feedback loop, revamped key portions of the program to keep it relevant, and impactful, raised the standards for volunteer screening and training, and standardized procedures to ensure consistency across the country.


Navigating Challenges


The challenges of 2020 tested Aryn and her team, but they emerged stronger. Adapting to the unforeseen circumstances, they reset priorities with renewed clarity and purpose. Aryn’s leadership during this time underscored a profound truth: even in the most challenging seasons, the Lord is working and has a purpose.


Witnessing Growth and Consistency


Throughout her tenure, Aryn witnessed TeenPact’s growth—not just in size, but in consistency and effectiveness. The organization honed its programs and processes, allowing more time to be invested in the lives of students, staff, and volunteers. This relentless pursuit of excellence has made TeenPact more impactful for everyone involved.


Looking Ahead


As Aryn prepares to pass the baton, she is excited about TeenPact’s future. Reflecting on her journey, she acknowledges the profound impact the organization has had on her life and is confident it will continue to shape thousands of lives each year. While she looks forward to spending more time with her family, friends, and church community, she is also excited about the new leadership.



Aryn praises Evie Erickson’s readiness to take on the responsibilities of Director of Events. “Evie has done such an excellent job as the Assistant Director over the years. She is wonderful at envisioning and equipping the team, and has already done a wonderful job as she took over at the beginning of August this year! Evie and I are grateful to have an extended time together to ensure information is passed off clearly to minimize gaps and ensure a smooth transition.”


A Lasting Legacy


Aryn Young Rozier’s journey at TeenPact is a beautiful example of growth, resilience, and unwavering commitment. From a quiet student to a pivotal leader, her story exemplifies the transformative power of TeenPact and serves as an inspiration for all who participate in its programs. As the organization continues to grow and mature, Aryn’s contributions will remain a cornerstone of its ongoing success.