
A Before and After Story

February 10, 2025
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From Reluctance to Transformation

By Anya Young


When I was 14 or 15, I didn’t want to go to TeenPact because it sounded like school. I begged my parents not to make me go. At that time, I was immature—mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Before knowing God personally, I denied who I was and tried to build an identity that would please myself and others. This included dressing only in black and avoiding anything feminine, which made TeenPact unappealing to me. 


A Friend’s Testimony and a Change of Heart

What encouraged me to go this year (New England Session II 2024) was mainly the testimony of a dear friend. Her experience at TeenPact led her to realize her true value and beauty according to her Creator, God. This revelation drove her to repentance and belief in the one true Savior, Jesus. Additionally, as I grew spiritually, I wanted to see what God could do for me at TeenPact. The idea of dressing professionally and learning about government also appealed to me.


Giving 100% and Meeting God

How God showed Himself to me at TeenPact was beyond what I expected. At the start of the week, Noah Powers, the Program Director, had us shake his hand and say, “I will give one hundred percent this week.” When I did, I meant it—and I truly gave 100% to making the most out of TeenPact.


Mr. Chambers also encouraged us to pray, “Meet me here, God.” This simple yet powerful prayer stuck with me throughout the week and is one I intend to continue praying wherever I go. (Thank you, Mr. Chambers!)


Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone

Because I promised to give 100%, I stepped out of my comfort zone—introducing myself to others, starting conversations, participating enthusiastically, and even running for senator without prior plans. God used TeenPact to amplify the gifts He’s given me as a leader and a light for Him. It was fulfilling to pour into others through conversations, prayer, and fellowship.


As a high school Track and Cross Country athlete, I never realized how spiritually dark my usual environment was until I experienced the spirit-filled atmosphere of TeenPact. My previous goals—like excelling in sports and seeking approval—grew dim compared to God’s plans for me.


The Power of Prayer and Fellowship

Leading a Small Group was a huge blessing. Though I missed the first meeting, God gave me another chance, and my co-leader Kaylee and I witnessed the Holy Spirit moving powerfully in our group. One night, after Mr. Chambers’ lecture on Purpose, our group prayed over a peer who was struggling. I felt the Spirit leading me as I prayed for him, and I saw God’s presence surround us. It was one of the most powerful prayer moments of my life.


I also grew closer to a longtime friend, worshiping, praying, and having heartfelt conversations together. After Mr. Chambers’ lecture on Drifting, we both felt led to become accountability partners, realizing how God had synced our hearts. One memorable night, we prayed and praised God together on the dock, marveling at His goodness.


A New Opportunity—Becoming a TeenPact Staffer

At graduation, I gave a speech as senator, praying for the Holy Spirit to guide my words. I don’t remember much of what I said, but others complimented me afterward, and I know it was all thanks to God. The on-fire-for-God attitude of the TeenPact staff inspired me, and I’m excited to join them as a staffer. I’ve been selected to be a Staffer for the 2025 State Class season! Thank You, LORD!


God undoubtedly met me at Staff Training 2025 in ways that extended beyond the scope of TeenPact. He gave me deeper insight into the heart behind being a TeenPact Staffer and a greater understanding of how remarkable this opportunity and responsibility is.


The LORD also graciously pushed me out of my comfort zone in meeting new people, which led to rich, intentional, and heartfelt conversations with fellow Staff. He also answered my prayer to be challenged, convicting me of areas I needed to work on—like having the wrong intentions for doing things and dwelling in negative, distracting thought patterns that shifted my focus away from Him.


A Deeper Understanding of Servant Leadership

Midway through Quinton Cools’ talk on Servant Leadership, I heard the Spirit tell me to stop taking notes and just listen. So, I stopped before I could even finish writing the title. This was not normal for me.


As I listened, Quin referenced Mark 9:33-37, where Jesus said, “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.” Those words struck me deeply. I had heard the term Servant Leadership for years, but at that moment, God made it REAL to me. Jesus is the perfect example of a servant leader, and His view of leadership and success is always true.


An Urgent Desire to Seek God’s Word

After the talk, I felt an overwhelming urge to read God’s Word—stronger than any desire to socialize, play games, or enjoy snacks. My palms started to sweat, and my heart beat faster as I flipped to the Gospels and asked God to lead me. Of course, He was faithful.


I sat there, brow furrowed in concentration, soul hungry for my Savior’s words as people buzzed around me. I read and reread Jesus’ words: “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.”


As I meditated on them, I sensed, imagined—almost SAW—Jesus’ face gazing kindly into mine, as if He were sitting backwards in a chair in front of me. He gently asked, “What do you think of that?” I had talked with God before, but this felt almost tangible.


Living Out Servant Leadership

I started thinking of ways to be a servant right then and there. After updating my flight information and engaging in a meaningful conversation with a Program Director, I sat against a hallway wall, continuing to meditate on Mark 9:33-37.


Although the room was filled with people and voices, God kept my focus on Him and His Word. When fellow Staffers stopped to check on me, I engaged with them from a place of dwelling with God—a calm, love-filled, and authentic presence.


This is one of the ways the Creator and King of the Universe blessed me with His ways, truth, and life at TeenPact Staff Training 2025. Thank You, Jesus Christ. All glory be to You.