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Changing Lives to Change the World
It’s on our brochures, our website, our staff manuals, even our discs and water bottles at the TeenPact store. This vision statement permeates every aspect of TeenPact Leadership Schools. TeenPact staff, volunteers, and students pray and work for lives to be changed for God’s Kingdom everyday at our State Class programs. However, the story doesn’t end there. Once a student’s life is impacted, they are called to serve God and make a difference in their community and their world. One of the most rewarding parts about working for TeenPact is the opportunity to see how current TeenPact students strive to make a difference in the name of Christ and we love to honor them for doing just that.
How have you impacted your community through Christ-like love?
We are excited to promote the fourth annual Jimmy Brazell Community Impact Scholarship Award. Named after a TeenPact staffer who died in a tragic accident in 2011, this contest asks students to write an essay responding to the question, “How have you impacted the world or your community through servant-minded, Christ-like love?” Winners receive a full tuition scholarship to be used toward a 2015 Alumni Event of their choice.

Last year, the first place award went to Gina De Lorie from Florida. Gina wrote about how she felt called to care for the homeless in her city and, as a result, started a non-profit organization and online database to serve as a resource center that catalogs all of the homeless shelters and ministries in a given area. About her project, Gina says, “I believe that this is a calling and opportunity that Christ has put into my heart that I may show Christ’s love as I am an ambassador of that love.”

Do you have a story like Gina’s about how you are using your gifts to change your world? We’d love to hear about it! For all the details about the scholarship award, and to read Gina’s full winning essay, visit Winners will be recognized at National Convention.
Registration for National Convention is open at Register for the event by March 19, to take advantage of the Early Bird discount!