Absolutely not! Our mission at TeenPact is to educate students on their civil liberties, encourage them to have a voice to impact their culture and to help them grow in their leadership skills. We want them to think critically, grow spiritually and expand their community by learning alongside likeminded people. All students will have a wonderful experience at TeenPact regardless of their interest level in the political system. Like we often say, “TeenPact is SO much more than politics!”
Yes, all students will be chaperoned either by a trained staff member or an adult chaperone at all times.
One of the many benefits of attending a TeenPact class is learning to dress professionally. Today’s culture constantly underestimates young people, yet we all realize that a young person who presents himself or herself sharply and professionally can and will make an outstanding impression. If our youth are to be taken seriously as leaders, they must learn to dress appropriately for their surroundings. We ask that all class attendees adhere to the dress code. Details can be found at teenpact.com/dresscode.
Tips: For girls, shop at consignment stores for skirts that have the appropriate length and then have them altered to fit your size. For guys, one suit and a sports jacket with a pair or two of khakis is perfect. Bring a fresh shirt and a tie for each day and you’re all set!
In order to have the best experience at a TeenPact class, students are encouraged to complete all of the homework. However, we understand that each student’s ability and/or situation is unique and it may be that the homework can’t be fully completed for various reasons. At a minimum, please have the student write a bill along with completing and memorizing the State Political Fact Sheet. Completing these two items will allow them to fully participate in the class activities and have the knowledge needed to take the daily quizzes.
(If a student lives in a state different than the state where they are attending the class, they should research the information for the state where the class is held. For example, if a student lives in California but is attending the Arizona class, the student should complete the homework using Arizona information.)
We love when parents observe the classes and learn right along their students. For classes that are residential (students stay together at a camp or in hotel rooms), we need many parents to register as official chaperones.
You will receive a detailed letter from your State Coordinator approximately three weeks prior to the beginning of your class listing all items needed.
Every state has a different procedure for lunches at the Capitol. For more information, find your state-specific information here.
We love for students to make new friends and will often put students from the same town in different rooms. However, if your student would have a much better experience rooming with a friend, we will do our best to make accommodations. Please speak directly to your State Coordinator about your request.
Your tuition covers 1/3 of the cost of the program. The other two-thirds is covered by donations. We have a very active Director of Development who works tirelessly to raise the remaining portion of the budgeted needed. We work off a national budget, not a state-by-state budget, and while some states are able to completely cover their expenses, other states are not. We all work together nationally to bring TeenPact to as many students as possible!
Please check your state page to confirm where your class will be meeting.
A student can receive 1/3 of a Carnegie high school credit for each State Class they attend so a full credit can be given after attending three State Classes.
Yes, parents are welcome to sit in on the class during the week. However, if you want to stay overnight at the camp you’ll need to register online (subject to availability).
In addition to the time at the Capitol, TeenPact offers evening sessions that give students the opportunity to relax and fellowship with like-minded peers in a more casual environment. Students play games, participate in small groups, play Ultimate Frisbee, enjoy a time of worship, and are challenged by a message from the Class Director. Evening sessions are an integral part of the TeenPact experience, allowing students to combine the academic emphasis at the Capitol with a spiritual focus on students’ relationships with God and one another. Please check your state page for more information. We look forward to seeing you there!
No, a registration fee is not required if your student is placed on a waiting list. The $50 non-refundable registration fee is only required for active registrations.
Our goal at TeenPact is to create a distraction-free environment where each person can have a full and rewarding experience. To meet these ends, we have created the following policy for parents, former alumni, and guests at all State Classes. We ask that all guests joining us at the Capitol observe the TeenPact dress code and respect the professional environment.
Parents of registered students are invited to join us at the Capitol at any point during the Four Day Class. In states offering residential camps, parents may register and stay at the camp as chaperones (when space is available). In states offering evening sessions, parents are welcome to join at any time. Please check your state page for more details.
Former TeenPact alumni are welcome to attend graduation at the Capitol on Thursday afternoon. In states offering evening sessions or residential camps, there may be an opportunity for former alumni to visit one evening. Please check with your State Coordinator to find out more information regarding availability and cost.
Students or parents interested in observing the class are invited to join us at the Capitol for graduation on Thursday afternoon. Please check your state page for more information on time and location.
In order to protect our students, staff, employees and the ministry, TeenPact requires all employees, Traveling Interns, Program Directors, State Coordinators, Class Directors (formerly referred to as Guest Directors), and parents serving as chaperones at our residential state classes to submit to background checks. The cost of the service is covered by TeenPact.
Please check your state page to confirm where your class will be meeting.
For information on what to wear to your One Day Class, click here.
No. If your student has not attended the Four Day Class, they are considered a first time Four Day student.