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Our virtual 2020 National Convention centered on the importance of Holding Fast to the Word of God. This blog series addresses the topic of how we as believers should seek to incorporate the Word of God into our everyday lives, and our authors share how they have practically done so in their personal lives. This first post is written by 2020 Intern, Meagan McMillian.
During our virtual National Convention this year, Matthew Williams spoke on the idea that “the nature of our relationship with God’s Word is the nature of our relationship with God Himself.” That hit home for me. I say I love God, but do I love His Word? I say all my delight is in Him but is all my delight in His Word? God has been challenging me and growing me in this area. Although sometimes uncomfortable, it’s also been beautiful because the Lord is so gracious as He sharpens us.
When I first found out I would have the opportunity to share these things with you, I felt very inadequate. I don’t feel I’m an authority on this, as my quiet time routines and patterns are not perfect. But the Lord has been comforting me with the truth that His power is made perfect in weakness. Here are a few thoughts from this journey of delighting in God’s Word that the Lord has been teaching me lately!
1. I often approach studying God’s Word in my own Strength
How many of us slip into seeing it as a check-the-box off our daily checklist? I’m learning that being in the Word is not something that God wants us to do out of guilt or fear of disappointing Him. As children of God, we already have His favor because of the wonder of the cross and glory of the empty tomb, and He calls us to sit at His feet and listen to His teaching. The account of Martha and Mary in Luke 10:38-42 continually rocks my world. Verse 39 says, “And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his teaching.” Spending time in His Word is as precious, sweet, and sacred as times of getting to sit as His feet listening to His teaching.
Because of His transformative work in my heart, I’ve begun longing to be with Him through the Word, prayer, and songs of worship to Him. The Psalms talk a lot about how God is our refuge, and He is inviting us all to take refuge in Him as we hold fast to His Word.
2. Prayer is an essential part of understanding Scripture
Because God has shown me that the only way to delight in His Word and be transformed by it is through His power, I love to pray before and while I’m taking refuge in the Word!
My mentor once modeled for me the idea of asking God to open our eyes to the truth and beauty of His Word before reading it. Getting into the habit of asking the Lord to help me understand His Word has been vital to the way the Lord has grown me in my walk with Him. I love how James 1:21 puts it, and recently I’ve been asking the Lord to help me apply this truth as I read: “Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.” – James 1:21
3. Fill your mind with Scripture
One time I heard someone talk about what it looks like to let the Word of God dwell in us. For her, that looked like taking a verse or two that stood out to her in her quiet time, and thinking about it as she went throughout her day. This is something that I’m actively trying to grow in. The Lord is helping me to be first filled up with His Word so that even when I’m not sitting down studying it, the Holy Spirit will bring verses to my mind to delight in as I go throughout my day.
Memorize Scripture and dwell on it! Think about it as you do the dishes, as you check the mail, when you go for a bike ride!
“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.” Psalm 1:1-3
Before each sermon he preaches, my pastor always prays that we wouldn’t just be educated by God’s Word, but that we would be transformed by it. This rests in God’s power. Even on the days when it’s hard to open the Bible or the occasions when I don’t even want to open the Bible, God is able and willing to help us. He will equip us to seek Him diligently, as we hold fast to His perfect and unchanging Word.
Editor’s Note: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official views of TeenPact Leadership Schools. To learn more about our Vision & Values, please visit