
Impact Circle: Meet Stephanie Purdy

May 17, 2024
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Meet Stephanie Purdy, a steadfast supporter of TeenPact!  Her family’s dedication to our mission inspires us every day. 

A couple of years ago, Scott and Stephanie Purdy became monthly donors to TeenPact’s mission. Stephanie reported then, “My daughter attended Congress in the role of a reporter, so I was a chaperone for this event. I just cannot say enough good things about the program or TeenPact.”


Stephanie tells why their family gives each month, “We want to invest in an organization that has invested in our family. TeenPact has helped our own daughter gain both confidence and leadership skills. She has also grown in her faith and critical thinking abilities.”


“I love the government education that is taught in State Classes and the challenging aspects of the Alumni Events. TeenPact meets people where they are and helps them grow in their education and their walk with Christ.”


“TeenPact’s mission is needed because change comes from the inside. If the younger generation is changed through God’s love, then our world will be changed for the better. The student-led programs are a wonderful way to teach responsibility and accountability.”


The Impact Circle is a group dedicated to supporting what God is doing through TeenPact to transform lives through monthly donations. Learn more today!


Learn more about the Impact Circle!