
Naomi McCaslin

March 08, 2022
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“The best part of TeenPact is that it makes you think,”

says Naomi McCaslin, a four-time TeenPact Kentucky Alumna.


Naomi explains why she chose to attend TeenPact Kentucky’s State Class four years in a row. She shares that each class built upon the previous one. Once she applied the leadership skills she learned during the previous TeenPact State Class, she came to the next State Class more prepared and ready to engage. 

“The most impactful moments for me have been when I’m at the podium, taking questions about my bill.”

“It’s the most scary and the most fun aspect of the State Class for me. As questions are coming from my peers, I’m internally asking myself many things – ‘Am I just giving an answer that sounds good at the moment? Is what I’m saying truthful? Did I study and prepare enough?'”


“Whether at the podium or in a conversation, my classmates asking questions allowed me to gain insight, helping me to better understand my views, and learn how to apply the scriptures to my leadership. During my time at TeenPact, I realized the scriptures and leadership were not separate schools of thought. True leadership is biblical leadership.”


“TeenPact has taught me and so many others that leadership doesn’t require a position.”

“TeenPact gave me the tools to be a leader that positively impacts others. I learned at TeenPact that every person has the opportunity within our own city to lead and benefit our community. I truly appreciate how much TeenPact and my classmates have impacted my leadership journey.”