National Convention

This Week Doesn’t Belong to You

Quinton Cools June 07, 2016
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National Convention marks the beginning of our 2016 TeenPact Alumni Event season. As students experience these life-changing events, we will bring you stories of how God is impacting lives. Today we are sharing a National Convention story from our friend, Amani Nelson (Maryland). 



Monday, May 23rd, 4:00 a.m.


The anticipation for TeenPact National Convention 2016 had pent up over months. Going into my third NC I knew exactly what to expect and I was ready for the perfect Christ-filled week. I had just put my suitcase in the car and was going to rush the rest of my family out the door when I suddenly felt pains in my back and my abdomen. I sat down and waited for it to pass but it only grew more intense. I prayed, asking God to heal me quickly so I wouldn’t miss a minute of NC. My mind went back to a few months ago when I had experienced similar pains which had passed quickly, so I assumed it was just a waiting game. My mom was very concerned when I began to vomit from the pain and asked if I needed to go the emergency room. In that moment I thought:


“God, why is this happening? Make it go away.”




“God this the worst possible day, I would rather it be Christmas than today!”


Still no change. My eyes are full of tears.


“God this is supposed to be MY week! I can’t miss National Convention. This is the one time this can’t happen.”


Right as I’m about to tell me mom that I need to go to the hospital, I hear an answer:


“This week doesn’t belong to you.”


Through my tears I prayed.


“God, I really really really love TeenPact. I really want to go to NC, but if it’s not your will then I won’t go.”


The pain immediately subsided and I made it to National Convention pain free.


“God has something much better in store.”


Throughout that week the theme of prayer reminded me of that morning, and one of the hardest lessons I’ve had to learn: God has given me something amazing called TeenPact, but he can also take it away. I have to hold this blessing loosely because if God takes it away it’s because he has something much better in store. It’s a lesson that applies to every area of my life, whether it’s my job, health, family or friends.


I got the opportunity to share that story in a quick 30 second speech as a write-in senatorial candidate. Although I didn’t make it out of primaries, the number of people who came up to me, shook my hand, and asked about what happened was a huge encouragement.


“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”


In short, TeenPact, means a lot to me. I have made great friends, heard amazing stories, and met the Lord in extraordinary ways; however, TeenPact isn’t mine. The weeks I’ve spent with this ministry are all gifts from God and I have to be willing to give them up to advance his kingdom, not keep them to advance my own. Even though I do plan on continuing my TeenPact journey for a long time to come, my prayer will always be: “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”



About the Author

Quinton Cools

Quinton Cools grew up in the Pacific Northwest, and like any true Oregonian, he can identify the perfect cup of coffee. Quinton’s love for… Read More