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TeenPact’s vision is “Changing Lives to Change the World.” We want to take the opportunity to share some of the stories of those changed lives with you in a series of Student Testimonies.
This post comes from Rebekah Kazmierowicz, a student from Oregon who attended Survival East earlier this month. Her story mirrors many others of those who were met by God at a Survival Camp this year. Enjoy her story and pictures from each of the Survival camps this year.

This one is for all those scared to go and try their hand at surviving in the woods for a week. I went to Survival East not knowing what to expect at all. Was it going to be like a summer camp? Or perhaps like TeenPact state class? In reality, it was neither.
Although we learned so many survival techniques, building shelters, purifying water, navigating in the wilderness, shooting guns, what I really grasped from the whole week was how to work with a team; how to follow your leader, how to never give up, even if you really, really want to because it’s hot outside and you don’t think you’ll be able to make it over that 12 foot wall.

We were able to cultivate deep relationships with all of our team members. Those who struggle together, stick together, we learned to trust each other. The last night was magical. Fifty exhausted but excited and engaged students, stood together wrapped in the forest, singing and praising the Lord. The One who really brought us all here, and got us through the week. The scene was lit up, literally and figuratively, and then all of a sudden someone turned off the lights, and we all looked up. Above us was a blanket of stars, and it was a perfect analogy for the past week. We thought we could see the whole time, but our eyes really weren’t opened until they turned off the lights.

Survival was a time-out from everyday life. No cellphones, no distractions. Just fellowship, and growth, in our relationships with the other students, and our relationship with the Father. Our program director John Childers, taught us something I’ll never forget. He said, “stretch and challenge yourselves, and do it intentionally. When we intentionally do so, only then will the changes be lasting, and we can truly grow”.

Do you have a story to share from an Alumni Event this year? We’d love to hear it. Share it at