Volunteer Screening Form

Volunteer Screening Form


  • Note: Some government agencies and other information sources require your social security number when checking for records. BGC will not use it for any other purpose.


    By signing below, I recognize that TeenPact is relying on the accuracy of the information contained herein. Accordingly, I attest and affirm that all of the information that I have provided is absolutely true and correct. I authorize TeenPact to conduct a criminal background investigation, and/or contact any references I may provide if such a check is deemed necessary. I further authorize any such person or entity to provide TeenPact with information, op[inions, and impressions relating to my background or qualifications. I voluntarily release TeenPact, to include Family Resource Network and it's companies, organizations, and ministries, as well as any person or entity whose information I may provide to TeenPact from liability involving the communication of information relating to my background or qualifications.