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TeenPact’s best promoters are students who themselves share what TeenPact has done to impact their lives. Because of this, TeenPact has developed an Ambassador Program for Four Day State Class alumni who are willing to stretch themselves and apply their training to represent the ministry within their state. Take a few minutes to learn about the opportunities available to you as an Ambassador!
What do Ambassador teams do?
There are countless ways that Ambassadors promote TeenPact’s vision and mission in their state. Staffing booths at conventions, fundraising, giving promotional talks, running events, and completing service projects are just some of the ways in which Ambassadors make a difference. Ambassador teams also work to create depth in their state and promote the State Class. The possibilities are endless!
How can you get involved?
Because every state is unique in its needs and demographic, the Ambassador Program is also state specific! This allows individual chapters to best serve their state coordinating teams and communities. Many states have an established Ambassador Program already in operation. For those that don’t, now is the time to start one! State Coordinators are actively looking for former and current TeenPact families to connect with and build a chapter in their area. If you are unsure about the status of the Ambassador Program in your state, check with your State Coordinator. Their contact information can be found on your state page at
Give back. Become an Ambassador.
If you have been impacted by your time at TeenPact, then we highly encourage you to give back and become an Ambassador. Contact your State Coordinator for more information!