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Hall of Fame – 2016 Inductees

Anna Montgomery June 30, 2016
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Mr. and Mrs. Cocks have served on the TeenPact Leadership Schools Board of Directors since inception. They have participated and served in various capacities over the years – State Coordinator, Class Director, Treasurer/Accountant, Endeavor Event Director, TeenPact parents, Intern Selection Committee, and much more. Ever present and ever graceful, they have represented TeenPact in many wonderful ways over the years. Mr. Cocks works as a Certified Public Accountant and is known to have a great love for competitive sports, including participating in Ultimate Frisbee and Volleyball at National Convention. Mrs. Cocks has an adventurous spirit herself, having enjoyed skydiving and bungee-jumping, among many other activities, in recent years. They live in Atlanta and are parents to four grown children and five grandchildren.



The TeenPact Hall of Fame exists to recognize and honor TeenPact Alumni who have significantly impacted the TeenPact community or their world with the vision and goals of TeenPact Leadership Schools by living a life of excellence. Nominees must be out of TeenPact as a student or student-staffer for at least 3 years to qualify. To nominate someone, please email



About the Author

Anna Montgomery

Anna Montgomery (and her crazy sidekick pup, Flynn), happily call the cornfields of Columbus, Indiana home.   She got her start in TeenPact… Read More