TeenPact as High School Credit

Did you know you can earn high school credit by attending TeenPact?


While TeenPact is first and foremost a discipleship ministry, it is also an academic program. The number one goal of our Staff, Interns, State Coordinators, and leadership in the National Office is to point students to a deeper relationship with their Creator. However, the in-depth homework and curriculum that TeenPact offers make it a valuable scholastic program as well. In fact, all students who complete a Four Day State Class are eligible to earn 1/3 of a Carnegie unit of high school civics or government credit.


Carnegie units are named after Andrew Carnegie, an American industrialist from the early 20th century who developed the system to standardize graduation requirements among colleges around the United States. Today, his system is used by the vast majority of school districts around the country – including in each state where TeenPact holds a class. Because of this, many school administrators and homeschool parents utilize a Four Day Class to fulfill the civics or government credit requirements in their state.


With this in mind, we wanted to share a few pointers on how to earn and keep track of the credit you can earn from a Four Day State Class:


Do the homework

On-site class time, while important, makes up only a portion of TeenPact’s curriculum. The minutes spent completing the pre-class homework are also an important factor in earning full credit for your coursework. To qualify for the credit, the student must fully complete the assigned homework as both a First Time Student or Alumni Student.


Come to class

To earn the Carnegie unit, students must be present for all on-site instruction. In addition, each class day culminates in a quiz about information learned. These quizzes satisfy the in-class work requirements and must all be taken.


Hold on to your graduation certificate and grading sheet

If you are homeschooled, many states require a portfolio of completed work to prove that you have sufficiently earned your high school credits. Although TeenPact does not assign a final letter grade for the class, (we leave that up to teachers or parents to determine), we do return all graded homework with a quantitative score sheet that is based on the completion of the assignments and the grades from quizzes. Both of these documents can prove that a student successfully completed the State Class.


Credit is for middle-schoolers, too

Many students attend TeenPact when they are in 7th or 8th grade. Although they are not yet in high school, they are still eligible to receive high school credit upon completion of the program. Just mark it down on your transcript early.


How to turn the 1/3 into a whole

To complete the credit, the State Class can be paired with supplementary government curriculum and/or future years of TeenPact State Classes. The details of these supplementary options are at the discretion of each student’s parent or teacher.



All in all, the Four Day State Class is a valuable complement to any high school curriculum. You can click here to learn more about the program and find a state class near you!