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As we approach the end of 2015, there is much to be grateful for. Last week, Quinton recounted many of these in his letter. We are thankful for the ways in which God continues to use this ministry for His glory and our good and we’re ready to look ahead and dive into another powerful season of life change in 2016.
Before we do that, however, we wanted to take a moment to invite you to join us in support of this mission. Near the end of each calendar year, we promote a Preseason Kickoff to raise support for our programs, scholarship funds, and overall expenses. We ask that you partner with us in this kickoff in two ways. The first, and always most important, is by joining us in prayer for the season ahead. Pray that God would even now be preparing the hearts and minds of all the students, staff, and parents who will be attending a State Class or Alumni Event in 2016. Pray that every person who interacts with a TeenPacter would be blessed and more aware of God’s presence, love, and call to holiness.
Your support of TeenPact helps to mobilize young people to realize their calling and boldly use it for God’s Kingdom.
Second, as your family participates in year-end giving, would you remember TeenPact in your generosity? All financial gifts given by midnight on December 31st are eligible for tax deduction in 2016. Gifts can be specific to a particular scholarship fund, need, or student’s account, or they can go to the general fund and will be sent where most needed. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, a huge portion of our yearly expenses are covered by the gifts of donors. Without you, we would not be able to reach the number of youth that we do each year.
I recently had the opportunity to chat with Pam Minyard, our Director of Development. I asked her what she most wanted people to know about the importance of supporting ministries like TeenPact. She shared with me that the capacity of young people is immense; in the course of history God has used countless youth to shape movements, causes, and even entire nations. God expresses His power in those who are viewed as weak to the world and your support of ministries like TeenPact help to mobilize young people to do just that–realize their calling and boldly use it for God’s Kingdom.
Regardless of where this season finds your family, thank you, so much, for your partnership with this ministry.
To learn more, or to give to TeenPact, go to