Ministry Updates

Reflecting Christ in All We Do

Peter Martin June 07, 2017
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Summer greetings from Richmond and the TeenPact Office,


Several years ago, the TeenPact Board of Directors took on the task of reviewing the TeenPact Leadership Schools Vision and Mission Statement and documenting the Core Values that identify the purpose of the ministry. All that information was presented on the TeenPact website when we updated the site in February 2015.


At that point we were agreed that the vision of TeenPact, changing lives to change the world, was clear, focused, and appropriate for the ministry. Over the last couple years, I have come to appreciate that vision more and more as we see the impact of TeenPact in the lives of our students, staff, parents, volunteers, and the people we meet in State Capitols around the country. I know that we are being used by God to spread the aroma of Christ to a world that so desperately needs the hope that can be found in Him alone. (2 Corinthians 2:15-16)


Over the past eighteen months, we also had lengthy discussion about the mission statement, asking ourselves and others whether it reflected the ministry of TeenPact. There was consensus that we were missing an integral aspect of what we do, or more accurately, what God is doing through TeenPact. The key aspect missing was the area of discipleship. Through our program at the Capitol, and more importantly, through our evening sessions and alumni events, our staff, volunteers, State Coordinators, and Class Directors we encourage others to follow Jesus Christ in all areas of their lives. Therefore, we have added to the mission statement reflecting this component, as indicated below –


TeenPact Leadership Schools seeks to inspire youth in their relationship with Christ and train them to understand the political process, value their liberty, defend the Christian faith, and engage the culture at a time in their lives when, typically, they do not care about such things.


This modified statement was first introduced to our 2017 Program Directors, Interns, and Staff Teams and then to the entire TeenPact Nation on the first night of National Convention 2017. We trust that God will continue to use the ministry of TeenPact Leadership Schools and that our actions will bring glory to Him, and to Him alone.


God is good, all the time.


Keep seeking,


Peter Martin, President



About the Author

Peter Martin

Peter Martin grew up in Minnesota before moving to California for college where he met the sunshine of his life—Lydia. While working for a… Read More