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Baton Rouge, Louisiana

2025 TeenPact Louisiana I

Class Director Cal Callen
For students ages 13-19
  • Four Day Class March 24-27, 2025
    Monday, 12:00 p.m - 3:00 p.m.; Tuesday - Thursday, 8:45 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
    $320.00 First Time Students; $290.00 Alumni Students
  • Political Communication Workshop March 28, 2025
    Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
    $60.00 Workshop only; $50.00 with Four Day Class
  • Student Housing Camp Istrouma
    $210.00 for three nights; $250.00 for four nights
For students ages 8-12
  • One Day Class March 28, 2025
    Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
    $50.00 for all One Day Students

2025 TeenPact Louisiana II

Class Director TBA
For students ages 13-19
  • Four Day Class April 21-24, 2025
    Monday, 12:00 p.m - 3:00 p.m.; Tuesday - Thursday, 8:45 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
    $320.00 First Time Students; $290.00 Alumni Students
  • Political Communication Workshop April 25, 2025
    Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
    $60.00 Workshop only; $50.00 with Four Day Class
  • Student Housing Camp Istrouma
    $210.00 for three nights; $250.00 for four nights
For students ages 8-12
  • One Day Class April 25, 2025
    Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
    $50.00 for all One Day Students
Contact Information

Jessie Leger, State Coordinator - 985-231-9099 - [email protected]

Four Day Class

March 24-27, 2025 April 21-24, 2025

The Four Day Class is a dynamic, hands-on leadership experience where students learn about state government from a Christian worldview. Students gather to run for office, participate in a mock legislature, and learn about how they can be effective leaders in their community back home. For students ages 13-19.


For more information about the Four Day Class, click here.



The Louisiana State Library



Arrive on Monday by 11:45 a.m.



Arrive in Professional Attire, according to our Dress Code, and check in at the TeenPact Welcome Table. Please be sure to eat lunch prior to arriving at the Capitol. Any further details will be communicated by your State Coordinator, via email, prior to the event.



Metered parking available on street in front of library and capitol. Free parking on River Road across the street from the Pentagon Barracks.



Click here for directions to the Louisiana State Library.


bring this
  • Your completed Homework with your name on each page
  • Bible
  • Notebook
  • Pen or pencil
  • Bag or Backpack to carry your belongings
  • Reusable water bottle
not that
  • Weapons (including knives, firearms, etc.)
  • Media devices (including tablets, books, computers, etc.)
    We will be media free for the week in accordance with our Media Policy.



Lunches will be catered for all registered students and chaperones at the Four Day Class and is included in the cost of the program.



If you have any questions about the lunches provided or to discuss allergy needs, contact your State Coordinating Team at [email protected].


Evening Sessions are an integral part of the TeenPact experience, allowing students to combine the academic emphasis in class with a spiritual focus on students’ relationships with God and one another.



Monday – Thursday evenings, directly following the Four Day Class.


Camp Istrouma


TeenPact offers Evening Sessions that give students the opportunity to relax and fellowship with like-minded peers in a more casual environment. Students play games, enjoy a time of worship, and are challenged by a message from the Class Director. Parents and students not staying at the camp are invited to join as well. If you’re not registered to stay at the camp, please plan to bring your own dinner to the camp.


Parents are invited to stay for as much of the class as possible. We love having parents observe what their students are learning! If you are not able to stay, you are welcome to drop off your student.




Thursday at 1:00 p.m.



The Louisiana State Library



During graduation, students participate in a short mock legislative session, hear speeches from the elected officials, hear a charge from the Program Director, receive graduation certificates, and much more!


Political Communication Workshop

March 28, 2025 April 25, 2025

The Political Communication Workshop trains students to analyze, execute, and interpret public presentations through a variety of activities and discussions. Students are challenged to develop critical thinking skills as they learn what communication looks like in the political realm. For students ages 13 – 19.


Fore more information about the Political Communication Workshop, click here.



The Louisiana State Capitol

House Committee Room 4



Arrive on Friday by 9:45 a.m.



Arrive in Professional Attire, according to our Dress Code, and check in at the TeenPact Welcome Table. Any further details will be communicated by your State Coordinator, via email, prior to the event.



Metered parking available on street in front of library and capitol. Free parking on River Road across the street from the Pentagon Barracks.



Click here for directions to the Louisiana State Capitol.


bring this
  • Bible
  • Notebook
  • Pen or pencil
  • Bag or Backpack to carry your belongings
  • Reusable water bottle
not that
  • Weapons (including knives, firearms, etc.)
  • Media devices (including tablets, books, computers, etc.)
    We will be media free for the day in accordance with our Media Policy.



Lunches will be catered for all registered students and chaperones at the Political Communication Workshop and is included in the cost of the program.



If you have any questions about the lunches provided or to discuss allergy needs, contact your State Coordinating Team at [email protected].


Parents are invited to stay for as much of the class as possible. We love having parents observe what their students are learning! If you are not able to stay, you are welcome to drop off your student.



March 24-28, 2025 April 21-25, 2025

Students attending the Four Day Class are encouraged to stay at our camp together. This is an integral part of the TeenPact experience, allowing students to combine the academic emphasis from the class, with a spiritual focus on relationships with God and one another. Staying at the camp gives students the opportunity to relax and fellowship with like-minded peers in a more casual environment. Students play games, participate in small groups, enjoy a time of worship, and are challenged by evening messages from the Class Director.



Camp Istrouma



Lodging, transportation, and meals are included in the price of the residential camp fee of $210 for three nights or $250 for four nights. To reserve your spot at the camp, please include this option at the time of online registration.



Your State Coordinating Team will reach out via email with further instructions, prior to the class. If you are commuting to the class and would like to join us for Evening Sessions, please email [email protected] to make reservations.


checking in

Four Day Students staying at the camp should plan to arrive at the camp between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. on Monday morning to check into rooms and drop off luggage. Once checked in at the camp, students should get lunch and head to the Capitol to get checked into the class by 11:45 a.m.


checking out

More details on checking out from the camp and picking up luggage will be sent to you from your State Coordinating Team prior to the class.


Click here for directions to Camp Istrouma.


bring this
  • Pillow
  • Towel
  • Sheets, blanket or sleeping bag
  • Toiletries
  • Capitol clothes (see Dress Code)
  • Comfortable camp clothes (see Dress Code)
  • Snack to share
  • Board and/or card games to share (optional)


not that
  • Weapons (including knives, firearms, etc.)
  • Media devices (including, tablets, computers, books, etc.)
    We will be media free for the week in accordance with our Media Policy.


Evening Sessions are an integral part of the TeenPact experience, allowing students to combine the academic emphasis in class with a spiritual focus on students’ relationships with God and one another.



Monday – Thursday evenings, directly following the Four Day Class.


Camp Istrouma


TeenPact offers Evening Sessions that give students the opportunity to relax and fellowship with like-minded peers in a more casual environment. Students play games, enjoy a time of worship, and are challenged by a message from the Class Director. Parents and students not staying at the camp are invited to join as well. If you’re not registered to stay at the camp, please plan to bring your own dinner to the camp.

Join us as a Chaperone for TeenPact Leadership Schools! You are invited to assist us with carrying out our goal of raising gospel-centered leaders. As a chaperone, you have several responsibilities, including staying in the room with a group of students, assisting with student transportation each day as needed, and having the opportunity to observe or participate in aspects of the class, including Prayer Walks, TeenPact Legislature, and Evening Sessions. 


As with many ministry opportunities, there is a small fee to help offset the cost of housing, food, etc. The cost to stay with us as a chaperone is $165 for three nights, or $205 for four nights.


For more information about serving as a chaperone, click here.


One Day Class

March 28, 2025 April 25, 2025

The One Day Class is an action-packed day full of exciting experiences that introduce students to their state government using a dynamic, hands-on approach. Students are led by an energetic Staff Team as they explore their local government, pray for their leaders, discuss their mock legislation, and so much more! For students ages 8 – 12.


For more information about the One Day Class, click here



The Louisiana State Capitol

House Committee Room 6



Arrive on Friday by 9:45 a.m.



Arrive in Professional Attire, according to our Dress Code, and check in at the TeenPact Welcome Table. Any further details will be communicated by your State Coordinator, via email, prior to the event.



Metered parking available on street in front of library and capitol. Free parking on River Road across the street from the Pentagon Barracks.



Click here for directions to the Louisiana State Capitol.


bring this
  • Your completed Homework with your name on each page
  • Bible
  • Notebook
  • Pen or pencil
  • Bag or Backpack to carry your belongings
  • Reusable water bottle
not that
  • Weapons (including knives, firearms, etc.)
  • Media devices (including tablets, books, computers, etc.)
    We will be media free for the day in accordance with our Media Policy.



Lunches will be available for all students and chaperones at the One Day Class. You may purchase lunch at time of online registration for $8 per person.



If you have any questions about the lunches provided or to discuss allergy needs, contact your State Coordinating Team at [email protected].


Parent/Chaperone Requirement

One Day Students are required to have a parent or chaperone with them at all times. Please plan on staying with your student for the duration of the class. 


families and groups

If you plan to bring more than one student to the class, please let the Staff Team know which students you are with as you check in at the Welcome Table so they can keep your students grouped together during the day.