2021 TeenPact Intern

Jakob Myers

Jakob Myers lives in the home-style city of Omaha, Nebraska. He loves people, politics, and just about any kind of competition. He has competed in speech and debate on a national level for five years. Being a self-proclaimed political nerd all of his life, Jakob has volunteered for many campaigns and non-profit organizations. He plans on continuing this passion by studying law. While Jakob can debate policy with the best of them, don’t be surprised if you find him out on a football field or snacking on some Twizzlers with friends.


From the very beginning, Jakob loved both the discipleship and government aspects of TeenPact. The more involved in TeenPact he got, the more he grew to love it. After being discipled by the Staffers and feeling the love of the TeenPact community at his first Four Day Class, he was pushed closer to the Lord. At his first National Convention in 2016, Jakob was convicted to take ownership of his relationship with the Lord. Ever since, TeenPact has continued to help Jakob dive into an intimate relationship with God. With a strong grasp on, and passion for discipleship and government, he is excited to step into his role on the 2021 Intern Team with the intent of training and equipping Students and Staffers all around the country.


2021 Interns