2021 TeenPact Intern

Patrick Sullivan

Patrick hails from Tampa, Florida, the lightning capital of North America. Tampa boasts of the longest sidewalk in the world, and is home to what he considers to be the best hockey team ever, the Tampa Bay Lighting. Patrick loves eating Chipotle, playing piano or guitar, and is a big fan of anything related to the Washington Wizards and the NBA. Patrick also loves spending time with his family, playing golf, tennis, or relaxing at the lake.

Patrick watched his three older sisters participate in TeenPact before he was old enough to attend the Four Day Class. By his first year as a Student, he was eager to experience the State Class. TeenPact helped Patrick to see that being a Christian was so much more than just going to church on Sunday, but rather a pursuit to know, love, and serve God in all parts of life. Patrick loves the discipleship side of TeenPact, as well as the opportunity to show young people their capacity for influence and leadership. Patrick is excited to use his enthusiastic, relational, personality to walk alongside others in their relationships with Christ as an Intern for the upcoming State Class Season.


2021 Interns