The Blog

July 03, 2023

Finding and Following Your Call

Discerning God’s call on your life can be challenging, especially when the call is to move overseas! How do you determine if the thoughts and impressions are from you or the Lord? Tune in to the next episode of TeenPact where two Alumni share their experiences in determining and obeying God’s call on their lives. […]

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May 02, 2023

EQUIP: Taking Next Steps With Strengths

We were all created with certain strengths and weaknesses; sometimes, our weaknesses can be turned into our greatest strengths! Join Karlyn Sullivan today as she talks to Joy Chambers about determining your strengths and utilizing the information to help you find work and a career that brings you joy!   Resources Donald Clifton – Clifton’s […]

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April 04, 2023

EQUIP: Daily Disciplines

Finding time in our busy schedules for bible reading and prayer can be challenging in today’s culture. Although we can all agree on their importance for our spiritual growth, they are often the first things we push aside as daily demands sweep in. In today’s episode of Equip, Clara Sylvester will share some helpful tips […]

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