2020 TeenPact Intern

Caleb Jennings

Caleb Jennings is from the true heart of America, Shawnee, Kansas. Caleb has enjoyed living on the outskirts of downtown Kansas City his whole life, where he, his parents, and four siblings indulge in all-things-Kansas, including art and history museums, the renowned symphony, and the best barbeque in the country.


Caleb works as a barista at a local coffee shop, where he loves to converse with customers, explore the science behind coffee, bake pastries, and practice for latte art competitions. When not at work, he loves hanging out with his friends, which generally involves lots of delicious food and coffee. Additionally, he enjoys playing volleyball and practicing piano. Caleb is passionate about fighting against human slavery and fighting for adoption and families. He employs this passion by volunteering for an anti-human trafficking non-profit and hopes to continue his involvement in this area as an international family attorney.


Caleb reluctantly attended his first TeenPact event at fifteen. With a minimal family history in TeenPact, he didn’t know what to expect and was simply uninterested in spending four days in the State Capitol. However, by Thursday graduation, Caleb had fallen in love with the ministry. He was blown away by the maturity and leadership of the staffers and interns, people who were hardly older than he was! This motivated him to step up, walk with God more intentionally, and seek to lead those around him. Throughout Caleb’s involvement in TeenPact, God has worked through the ministry to continue to instill these values in him, as he is constantly reminded of his need for Jesus and pushed to draw closer to Him. Caleb loves the heart of TeenPact and the Godly community it has provided in his life. He is overjoyed to be a Traveling Intern and looks forward to serving the Kingdom through TeenPact this coming 2020 season.


2020 Interns