The Blog

November 04, 2019

JohnDavid Thompson

As a student From my very first class, I remember being taught to try and argue both sides of a topic and how to think through both sides of that argument.  That is not to say there isn’t a strong bias at times or that we can ever operate completely outside of our presuppositions. However, […]

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October 21, 2019

August Huckabee

As a Student I have a vivid memory of praying before I attended my first TeenPact class: “God, use this to direct my life.” As a public school student, I took off a week of class to attend and did the homework in the mornings before class.  The Lord answered my prayer and used the week […]

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October 21, 2019

Bryce Melvin

As a student Over 17 years ago, I attended my first TeenPact State Class at the Florida Capitol. As a 12-year-old student, I was not of age for the Four Day Class so, with the help of my mom, I wrote a letter requesting a waiver to attend the class. A few weeks before the […]

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October 21, 2019

Molly Hall

As A student Initially, I thought TeenPact was exclusively about learning and understanding the political process and was only for the more outgoing, confident personality types.  Both of these assumptions turned out to be wrong.  Just like pizza is simply a vehicle for taking care of and loving our guests, the political process was simply […]

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October 21, 2019

Jay Hill

Jay started farming with 10 acres at the age of 16. Today, his operation has expanded to two states, 17,0000 acres and 80 full time employees. Jay travels the country speaking about his love of agriculture and the people involved in the food growing process.   As a student I was impressed with TeenPact. I […]

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October 16, 2019

Elizabeth Bailey

AS A STUDENT The example of young leadership, as modeled by the staff, is one of the unique elements found in TeenPact. When I learned how young the staff were at my class, I realized that I needed to stop wasting my teenage years and seriously start pursuing the things of God and the plans […]

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October 16, 2019

Justin Neal

AT THE CENTER OF TEENPACT IS JESUS   The word TeenPact is heavy with meaning and drips with significance in my heart and mind.  I am humbled to be a part of it, and I am amazed at all that has transpired because of God’s sovereign purpose for TeenPact.  My experience is like so many others, […]

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October 16, 2019

Madelyn Fryer

AS A STUDENT My mom is responsible for sending me to TeenPact in 2012, but I am responsible for staying at TeenPact. I was not involved as a student. I was the quiet girl in the back of the room who never raised her hand or initiated conversation. Yet, I learned so much by observation. […]

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