The Blog

February 20, 2015

2015 National Elections

Each year, hundreds of students gather in Tennessee for our largest event, National Convention. With countless highlights, this has quickly become our most popular event. Perhaps the most dynamic element is the National Elections.   Students campaign for the votes of TeenPacters from all across the nation to secure one of the nine Representative positions, […]

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February 16, 2015

Why Prayer Walks?

“But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing, to one a fragrance from death to death, […]

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February 11, 2015

An Inside Look at Staff Training

Imagine a room filled with 200 young people who are rising leaders with a passion for the Gospel.   Picture the encouraging conversations, the challenging ideas, and the dynamic energy permeating such a room. Scripture describes this picture in the book of Proverbs. “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17)     […]

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January 31, 2015

A Letter from the CEO

Welcome to the newly updated Website for TeenPact Leadership Schools!   As technology and design change, it is necessary to review and refresh the website.  Enhancements have been made not only in the look, but also in the navigation capabilities and the type of information displayed.  For instance, with this change, we are launching the […]

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June 30, 2014

Hall of Fame – 2014 Inductees

Emily Matson Emily was a TeenPact student in 1995, interned in 1998, and helped start the first Judicial event.  She has been involved at various times over the years, particularly with TeenPact Judicial.  Emily has been a TeenPact Board member since 2006, is a practicing attorney in Rome, GA, is married to her husband, Patrick, […]

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June 06, 2014

Love Your Neighbor as Yourself

TeenPact Leadership Schools, in conjunction with the Jimmy Brazell Foundation, presented the Third Annual Jimmy Brazell Impact Scholarship Third Place Award to TeenPact student Karl Welch from Louisiana.   Read his award-winning essay below, written in response to the topic question, “How have you impacted the world or your community through servant-minded, Christ-like love?”     Mark […]

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June 06, 2014

Opportunity Surrounds Us

TeenPact Leadership Schools, in conjunction with the Jimmy Brazell Foundation, presented the Third Annual Jimmy Brazell Impact Scholarship Second Place Award to TeenPact student Elijah Knapp from Ohio.   Read his award-winning essay below, written in response to the topic question, “How have you impacted the world or your community through servant-minded, Christ-like love?”     […]

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June 05, 2014

The Help List

TeenPact Leadership Schools, in conjunction with the Jimmy Brazell Foundation, presented the Third Annual Jimmy Brazell Impact Scholarship First Place Award to TeenPact student Gina DeLorie from Florida.   Read her award-winning essay below, written in response to the topic question, “How have you impacted the world or your community through servant-minded, Christ-like love?”     […]

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June 20, 2013

Hall of Fame – 2013 Inductees

John Legg John first attended his first Georgia TeenPact class in 1995, served as a staffer and eventually as a Program Director in 2000. John’s ability to lead, commitment to excellence and many years of service made him a pillar in the TeenPact community. In addition to state classes, John helped to create, staff and […]

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June 16, 2013

When I Pour Myself Out, I Am Filled.

TeenPact Leadership Schools, in conjunction with the Jimmy Brazell Foundation, presented the Second Annual Jimmy Brazell Impact Scholarship Third Place Award to TeenPact student Sierra McClain from Oregon.   Read her award-winning essay below, written in response to the topic question, “How have you impacted the world or your community through servant-minded, Christ-like love?”     […]

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June 14, 2013

Go & Show

TeenPact Leadership Schools, in conjunction with the Jimmy Brazell Foundation, presented the Second Annual Jimmy Brazell Impact Scholarship Second Place Award to TeenPact student Sarah Braun from Iowa.   Read her award-winning essay below, written in response to the topic question, “How have you impacted the world or your community through servant-minded, Christ-like love?”     […]

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June 12, 2013

Love Demands Action

TeenPact Leadership Schools, in conjunction with the Jimmy Brazell Foundation, presented the Second Annual Jimmy Brazell Impact Scholarship First Place Award to TeenPact student Sarah Braun from Iowa.   Read her award-winning essay below, written in response to the topic question, “How have you impacted the world or your community through servant-minded, Christ-like love?”     […]

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June 20, 2012

Hall of Fame – 2012 Inductees

Elizabeth Owens Elizabeth is the eldest of 9 children and first attended TeenPact in Georgia in 1995. She then the Alumni Weekend (became National Convention) in 1996 where she was elected Governor at that event, the first elected TeenPact Nationwide official (became President). In some respects Elizabeth is the George Washington of TeenPact. After her […]

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June 15, 2012

Go Into All the World

TeenPact Leadership Schools, in conjunction with the Jimmy Brazell Foundation, presented the First Annual Jimmy Brazell Impact Scholarship Third Place Award to TeenPact student Jordan Koornneef from Colorado.   Read her award-winning essay below, written in response to the topic question, “How have you impacted the world or your community through servant-minded, Christ-like love?”     Jimmy […]

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June 13, 2012

Some Lives Are Like Pebbles

TeenPact Leadership Schools, in conjunction with the Jimmy Brazell Foundation, presented the First Annual Jimmy Brazell Impact Scholarship Third Place Award to TeenPact student Elisabeth Sepulveda from Maine.   Read her award-winning essay below, written in response to the topic question, “How have you impacted the world or your community through servant-minded, Christ-like love?”     Some […]

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June 10, 2012

Be Imitators of Me, As I Am of Christ

TeenPact Leadership Schools, in conjunction with the Jimmy Brazell Foundation, presented the First Annual Jimmy Brazell Impact Scholarship Second Place Award to TeenPact student Morgan Werk from Alabama.   Read her award-winning essay below, written in response to the topic question, “How have you impacted the world or your community through servant-minded, Christ-like love?”     “The […]

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