The Blog

April 24, 2015

We Couldn’t Do It Without Them!

Many behind-the-scenes logistics contribute to the success of a TeenPact class. In addition to the countless volunteers we have working in states across the nation, volunteers here at the TeenPact National Office make those important logistics happen. We have been blessed by several office volunteers who have given their time to assist packing boxes containing the […]

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April 20, 2015

Why the Alumni Track?

A few weeks ago, we wrote about why Field Experiences are such an important part of our Four Day State Class program. However, Field Experiences are only half of what goes on during that time. While First Time students are learning the basics of their local government in a hands-on fashion, returning students have their own breakout session–the […]

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April 17, 2015

National Convention Coffeehouse

In just 31 days students from all around the country will rendezvous at Lee University for National Convention 2015. The opportunity for leadership development is something our students take seriously, because this event offers preparation for life.   The week is packed full of thought-provoking sessions, powerful worship, engaging small groups, competitive sports, national elections and so much more. […]

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April 13, 2015

We are Called to Make an Impact

This June 21-27 our students will return to Liberty University School of Law for a one-of-a-kind experience called TeenPact Judicial. Led by Christian Edmonds, John Legg (TeenPact Hall of Fame), and an all-star staff team, this law-oriented academic event draws students from all over the country and inspires and equips them in leadership.   At […]

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April 10, 2015

Behind the Scenes with Communications

“Give people a backstage pass and show them how your business works. Imagine that someone wanted to make a reality show about your business. What would they share? Now stop waiting for someone else and do it yourself.”– Rework by Jason Fried and David Heinemier Hansson   At National Convention last year, I sat across from Mrs. […]

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April 06, 2015

He Will Do Far More Than I Will Ever Expect

TeenPact’s vision is “Changing Lives to Change the World.” We want to take the opportunity to share some of the stories of those changed lives with you in a series of Student Testimonies.   This post comes from Mackenzie Matthews, a student from Missouri who was elected as the class Governor. Her story is an example of […]

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April 03, 2015

Why Field Experiences?

It isn’t difficult to teach a student about how their state and local government. Hundreds of books and classrooms have done that just fine. At TeenPact, we recognize that it only takes a trip to your local library to gain a basic understanding about the structure of the political process. However, what books and classrooms […]

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March 27, 2015

God is Always Preparing Me for Greater Things

TeenPact’s vision is “Changing Lives to Change the World.” We want to take the opportunity to share some of the stories of changed lives with you in a series of Student Testimonies.   This story comes from Blake Miller, a 14-year-old student from Fairview who attended the Missouri State Class. Be blessed by his story!   […]

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March 27, 2015

What Do Medical School & TeenPact Have in Common?

What do medical training and interning with TeenPact have in common? “Short nights, long days working for a cause you believe in, and always lots of coffee,” according to Jason Bowman, a third year medical student at Brown University and a former member of the 2008 Traveling Intern Team. Jason’s story is one that shows […]

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March 23, 2015

National Convention Worship

God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. – JOHN PIPER, DESIRING GOD    Standing in the middle of a sea of faces, I looked up at the words on the screen once again. This time I read them more closely. I stopped singing for a moment and listened. But those around […]

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March 20, 2015

Why Elections?

Name recognition. Candy. Posters. Slogan. Party support.   Ask any student who has ever participated in TeenPact’s State Class Elections and they will tell you that these five things are some of the most important tools in running a successful TeenPact campaign. As a focal point of our curriculum and class experience, Elections during the Four Day […]

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March 16, 2015

Become a TeenPact Ambassador

TeenPact’s best promoters are students who themselves share what TeenPact has done to impact their lives. Because of this, TeenPact has developed an Ambassador Program for Four Day State Class alumni who are willing to stretch themselves and apply their training to represent the ministry within their state. Take a few minutes to learn about the […]

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March 13, 2015

An Ambassador of Love

    Changing Lives to Change the World It’s on our brochures, our website, our staff manuals, even our discs and water bottles at the TeenPact store. This vision statement permeates every aspect of TeenPact Leadership Schools. TeenPact staff, volunteers, and students pray and work for lives to be changed for God’s Kingdom everyday at […]

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March 09, 2015

Midseason 2015 Update

Greetings from Richmond!   Here in Virginia, we have experienced one of the coldest and snowiest Februarys on record and ‘cabin fever’ has set in for many as schools, businesses, and churches have been closed multiple times in the last several weeks.  As TeenPact is a national organization with classes in states from coast to […]

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March 02, 2015

Why TeenPact Legislature?

Ask any TeenPact student what the most memorable element of the Four Day Class is and they will likely point to one thing: TeenPact Legislature. A large portion of every class is devoted to learning how a bill becomes a law and, like all of the program’s facets, this learning ought to be as hands-on as […]

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February 27, 2015

My One Day Story

I will never forget the first time that I set foot into my state Capitol. I was nine years old and clung to my mother. In hand was a bill that I had written for something called the “TeenPact One Day Class.” My idea was to establish a State Apple Picking Day in Colorado. Participation in […]

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